New You!
Pure Collagen.US is very pleased to offer a product which is substantially effective, backed by scientific human research, and contributes to an improved healthy self image in our customers. For over a decade, the general research on collagen tested on animal and human subjects has shown consistently that orally administered collagen decreases the physical effects of aging. It reduces fine line wrinkles in the skin, increases skin elasticity, decreases joint pain, as well as improves hair quality.
Research shows internal ingestion of collagen decreases the effects of aging and increases the quality of life throughout our life span via its effects on the skin and joints.
Pure Collagen.US is not only a manufacturer and distributor of pure collagen products, but we are also a company committed to conducting further human research in our laboratory to determine the profound effects which collagen may have on the aging process. Our staff has over 30 years of research experience resulting in over 20 peer reviewed journal publications using animal & human subjects. We are dedicated to supporting quality in everything we do.